Monday 6 March 2017

Production aims

In my F634 production I aim to produce 20 key frames reflecting my hypothesis of how protagonist are represented in action films. I aim to show how the protagonist has developed throughout the scenes, using the evidence found when studying my, thesis relating back to the films I studied such as Mission Impossible (1996), Batman Begins (2005), Iron man 3 (2013), and Mission Impossible Rogue Nation (2015). The protagonist is portrayed in a heroic masculine way that saves the world and is always seen dominant. I aim to show the development of the protagonist and how the protagonist overcomes and defeats the antagonist. 
The Idea I came up with for my production will be based upon bullying and seeking revenge for this and overcoming the bullies.  Protagonist has been influenced by the change in technology and society, which has represented him powerful and dominant over the antagonist.  I will try to convey this through the protagonist, which will represent him masculine over the other characters in the key frames.
I was greatly influenced by Batman Begins which clearly shows how the protagonist defeats the enemy had narrative progresses. I aim to incorporate many of the technical elements that I found when studying the films for my essay such as the use zoom in frequently used in Batman to show the characters feelings and emotions.

Two macros that I looked were mise en scene and representation in the films. The way the protagonist was represented with authority and status due to the type of costume they were wearing. Also the positioning of the protagonist and the different shots used to convey them as heroic and brave. I will show this image and the difference between the antagonist and protagonist through costume and props used in the key frames. It is vital that I show a difference between the antagonist and protagonist and the power difference as well.

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